Friday, January 2, 2009

Question for young women

I have posted a question to young women wondering how many feel pressured to have a career plus marriage and a family. When I was growing up and someone asked you what you wanted to be when you grew up, the answer for young girls was, "a nurse, a teacher, or a mother". Today, it is assumed by so many that every young girl should go to college and have a career. I encouraged my three daughters to go to college but I am thankful they have a desire to be home with their children teaching them and training them in the way of the Lord. Why did I encourage them to go to college? We got in a situation where I felt I was expected to go to work and "help pay the bills". Not by my husband, but by a church where he was employed. Since I had no training, I had to work in a profession I had no interest in. My desire was to be at home with my children. If I had it to do over again, I would stay home.

I think the church is failing in their teaching of young men and women and what the Bible says about their roles in life. Titus 2 is clear that women are to be keepers of the home. That is hard to do when you aren't there. Let me know what you think.


Abigail and Lydia said...

I think that's very good. I can't believe that your church told you that you needed to go work. That's not really anybody else's business but you and your family and if you didn't want to they shouldn't have pressured you. Do you believe that a women who is married but doesn't have kids should go to work? I really liked your opinion. I think that it is sad that you had to go to work when you wanted to be home with your kids. I check your blog everyday! Post soon!
Love you!

Abigail and Lydia said...

Hi Grandma!
I see you added some things to your profile! You did really good. I agree with you! I will want to stay home when I grow up and get married and have kids! Don't worry : )
Love you,

EmilyMarieKirk said...

Well hello Aunt Judy!
Ya know, we have varying opinions on a lot of things in life, but I couldn't agree with you more on this. Growing up I've felt the pressure to be a strong woman who doesn't need to depend on anyone for anything. Part of this came as my dad passed away and I felt like I didn't want to be a burden to anyone around me, so I'd grow up and be "miss independent" and take care of myself. I did that by moving to Seattle, but more than anything in my efforts of doing so God showed me that we were made for relationships. We are made for community. We are made for family. A woman's value today is in having a successful career, not in how well her children are raised. I know that I benefited greatly from having a "stay-at-home" mom and will do everything in my efforts to do that when I have children. There must be a balance in being a part of our culture in order to be a light in the darkness, and then debriefing ourselves and families each night to determine the Lies we've been told throughout the day. Well, I guess I'll have a better opinion when I have children...but I pray even now that I will be a mom who can devote her life to raising her children to be adventurous followers of Christ.
